How To Manage Your Time to Achieve Your Goals

In the workplace, there are usually types of people. The first type of employee always has the time to easily do complete the things that should be done. Then there is the second type of employee who is always cramming to complete tasks or work things out at the last minute.

One of the major differences in each type of employee is how they manage their time.

Time management is important to employees in the workplace who are not only dealing with the workplace and other life aspects such as family life, spiritual life and other priorities.

Effectively time management helps targets and deadlines to be met with greater ease.

Efficient and effective time management is achieved with effective goal setting.

Goal setting and time management

Even though goal setting and time management are two different concepts, they are inter-related and inter-twined.

Time management would not be effective and achievable without goal setting.

Goal setting requires effective time management skills for it to be successfully achieved.

When you are managing your time, the first thing you should address is to evaluate or set your list of priorities. This will allow you to complete the duties that need to be carried out first than the others.

It would be impossible for anyone to set priorities without first setting goals. Priorities are things that should be given foremost focus and attention. The same goes for goals.

Priorities and goals are almost the same in a way that both are the top targets and aims of each individual.

Here are some useful tips to set goals and manage time:

Here are several simple, logical and practical tips and guidelines to help you set goals and eventually manage your time better.

• Set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely goals. Remember the acronym SMART to simplify and unify all these. Remember to remember your goals and set your schedule so that you are able to achieve your goals.

• Figure out the things or activities that need to be done or carried out in order to reach your priorities and goals. When you do that, you will evaluate and think about the time frame needed to perform the tasks.

• When making your schedule, make sure that the set of activities related to attaining the goals do not conflict with any other important appointments or activities. Make a time table so no deadlines, appointments or important dates would be forgotten or missed out. That could be a great start up to effective time management.

• Evaluate yourself during goal setting. Be honest with yourself and determine your skills, talents, competency and capacity to carry out your desired outcome or goals. When you do this, you will be able to estimate the time it would take for you to attain and achieve your goals.

A great app to help you track you goals is Wunderlist. Wunderlist creates and shares to-do lists with friends and co-workers. It syncs data between all your devices: PC, cell phone, and tablet — and publishes to the Internet.

Make sure you focus on your goals and that you alway remember the tasks that need to be done and completed on time, so the goals would be achieved also on time.

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